Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Are The LAST Children

I was born in '86 but if you were born before '88 then you will understand this.....

We are the last children...the last generation of growing up without the internet. We grew up in the 80's/early 90's.... when kids had lives. During this era, kids had no choice but to go outside because the only thing goin' on inside was Nintendo/Sega or some VHS tapes. From the city to the suburbs we had a crew of friends and just went out and about. We went on little missions to the 7-Eleven or in the woods or whatever. We hooped in the park 'til it got dark or the street lights came on. We played football in the streets. We rode bikes with the huggies in between the wheels so they could mimic motorcycles. We knocked on doors and ran. We ate candy and looked at porno magazines. We had school clothes and play clothes. We saw Michael Jordan play (I'm not talking about him playing in the Blue & White). We had Upper Deck cards. We watched cartoons on Saturdays.

We are the last children...we didn't have swag. We didn't have myspace, facebook, twitter or whatever to connect us with people who we don't really give a damn about. We didn't have our JV basketball roster posted on the school website. We couldn't Google anybody, anything, anywhere. We didn't download music. We didn't have thousands of pictures of ourselves.

We are the last children because we didn't have a cell phone until Jr/Sr year of high school. And that phone had a green background with black text. That phone was for calling/texting/snake/tetris and chirping if you were ballin'.

This is not to hate on the younger generation but I feel for you lil niggas. We know what its like to have peace and quiet. We know what its like to knock on somebody's door and ask their parents if they were home. We know what its like to call a girl on her house phone and hope she answers before her mama do. We know what it's like play a video game get all the way to the end and not be able to save your progress. We know what it was like to record a song off the radio with a cassette tape. We've seen the black Michael Jackson.

I feel for the younger generation because every song has a sample from an older song, every movie is a remake of an older movie or cartoon. It's really sad the lack of original entertainment these days. Every shoe you guys get is a retro or fusion. I swear feel for you lil niggas. Trying to bring back high top fades and 80's fashion....why? Make your own mark on history.

We are the last children. I fear that we are slowly losing touch with reality. These kids are growing up soft, they are eating horrible, they're getting fat, they have poor communication skills, and by 18 they can't even get a date. As much good technology has done... it has also done a great deal of harm.

Y'all 90's niggas ain't hip:


The very thing that sparked this rant was when I used to babysit my cousins for my uncle back in highschool... Every time I went over there, one of 'em was either at a computer or on the Xbox. Now, I understand the fascination with technology and all that--I'm an avid supporter of advancement, but these bammas would act like you were speaking another language when I would bring up the idea of going outside for some fresh air.

My lil cousin would look at me with a basketball in his hands like "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?"

It's funny how we sometimes scoff at the remarks previous generations make about us, but we find ourselves cranking that same wheel.

Let's face it, things are never going to be "what they used to be."

There are some things out here I'm glad technology influenced (like me texting this from my phone) .Ain't nothing wrong with paying homage.

Sometimes, "the-bang-on-the-tv-until-it-works" approach is better than looking for that new software update...feel me?



  1. Look at you. Just look, brilliant mofo!!

  2. I was just having a discussion w/ someone not to long ago about what we did before google and wikipedia. It's crazy to think that in elementary and middle school I was actually flipping through several volumes of big thick encyclopedias to find information for my homework! Wow.

  3. I feel u on this one, these lil niggas don't know about playin"hide and go seek/freak", going outside as soon as u got home from school instead of going to check on "facebook or twitter", BMX bikes with the peggs, etc.

  4. its the Truth! I rode my purple banana seat everywhere. My secret hide out to read books and color was under 4 evergreen trees that leaned on each other to create a small shelter. I kicked ASS in my neighborhood kick ball games. And no one can touch me on Super Mario 1, 2, or 3!

  5. FLUCK!! My comment was here than it disappeared gotdamme blogger!! Ugh.

    Good post B.

  6. '82 nigga right here! They don't make'em like they used to haha. Good read fam!
