Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Killa Kyleon - Quit Her In The Morning

"Thought she was Mrs. Right... she must be ambidextrous. I guess I gotta take that L. No Lexus."

Shootin' Whatever The Fuck I Like.


I miss NY sometimes, but ehhh...nvm.

Yeah.. look it up.

BaitWatch #1

I want one.


Look, I'm trying to give a fuck here...

What the fuck now?
Everynow and then, I 'll get into some "simp shit". During this time I usually got the slow jams on, lookin' at old texts and reminiscing through FaceBook pages wondering "What could've been."

This ain't one of them times.

I'm slowly growing closer to the fact that ALL women are crazy. Yes, take offense, YOU did it, not us. I don't know where in y'all manuals did it say that we (Men) must have telepathic capabilities; specifically for times when you're mad about something.  How the FUCK am I supposed to know?

Either we get the "you're so insensitive" or  the "maybe you're a lil bit too sensitive" when trying to figure out what's going on w/ a woman we're interested in.  Do y'all get a kick outta niggas PULLING-TEETH just to find out you have something as minute as a stomach ache?  Is this some type of Process-of-Elimination exercise?

I guess its one of those can't win things in life...

I still luv y'all though.  Like a step-child.
Swear I'm the bait. Sike nah.

Aight so this is the first post. I'm definitely lookin' forward to posting a lot of cliche shit in here to make it seem like I'm hip to all the fashion, all the shoe releases and all the women.

I must say the First Post is indeed the Dumbest Post.

Feel free to follow me off my face alone. If I'm not updating, you can get at me via Twitter: @BWELLDAMME
